Tags Brexit

Tag: Brexit

FCA sets out ‘mission’ as it ushers in new era

The UK Financial Conduct Authority will prioritise supporting the government with Brexit and helping consumers wrongly sold payment-protection insurance. Read more: www.bloomberg.com

TransferWise boss warns FinTech startups against Brexit Britain

At a government-backed conference the CEO of Transferwise went off-message, suggesting startups should avoid London. Read more: www.finextra.com

London ‘not the best place’ for FinTech start-ups

FinTech entrepreneur Taavet Hinrikus, co-founder of Transferwise, said Brexit was making it hard to source talent. Read more: www.bbc.co.uk

Uncertainty and opportunity: what Brexit means for FinTech

When the UK leaves the EU in 2019, it will have an impact on businesses across all sectors. Read more: www.wired.co.uk

British FinTech sector has shrugged off Brexit dip

Britain's financial technology sector has recovered from an initial dip after Britain's vote to leave the European Union, says a UK regulator. Read more: uk.news.yahoo.com

How will Trump, Brexit and populism influence FinTech?

With Article 50 triggered and the UK’s impending exit of the single market, a new US president, and a raft of European elections, it is often asked how this will affect FinTech. Read more: www.cityam.com

Brexit is not the death knell for UK FinTech

Oliver Bussmann says there are opportunities as well as uncertainties for UK FinTech companies in a post-Brexit business environment. Read more: banknxt.com

Competition to attract FinTech companies continues

Governments recognize the importance of FinTech and its contribution to financial services industries, which in turn has influenced them to attract these companies. Read more: www.newsbtc.com

FinTech and the UK’s post-Brexit allure

Financial institutions are contemplating moving to other European FinTech centers. Will banks weather a potential storm or make a quick exit to other UK countries? Read more: www.forbes.com

FinTechs have a solution post-Brexit

With Article 50 set to be triggered imminently, the process of Britain leaving the EU is finally about to begin, with all that entails. Read more: www.cityam.com