Saturday, July 27, 2024

Irish investing app Rubicoin pockets €1.4m

Irish investing app maker Rubicoin has secured a €1.4m funding round from Enterprise Ireland and investment advisor Motley Fool. Read more:

Orange peels open mobile-only bank

French telecoms firm Orange has launched its mobile-only bank as it looks to tap into its current customer base. Read more:

Online marketplace Raisin passes €3bn in investments

Raisin, the online marketplace for savings products, counts more than €3 billion in investments done on the platform. Read more:

Robo advisor Wealthfront launches line of credit

Robo-advisor pioneer Wealthfront must know that opposites attract: in this case, it’s saving and investing. Read more:

Simple’s move to new bank API leaves some customers stranded

Simple, the Portland-based branchless bank founded in 2009, has discovered that moving accounts to its parent bank’s API is not that simple. Read more:

Oval Money launches in the UK

Oval Money, the first personal savings app powered by collective intelligence, harnessing both machine learning and the wisdom of the crowd, launches in the UK. Read more:

Why is signing up for mobile banking so hard?

Most banks still struggle to make it simple for customers to open new accounts entirely on mobile devices. Read more:

Oval Money takes €1.2m for personal savings app

Personal saving and investment app Oval Money has secured €1.2m in funding from Italian banking group Gruppo Intesa SanPaolo. Read more:

Yunfeng’s investment robo-app targets the masses

Yunfeng Financial Group Ltd. has created a robo-advisor application to manage the wealth of regular Chinese and Hong Kong investors. Read more:

Monzo gets full UK license, looks to expand to EU

Digital-only bank Monzo just received its full banking license from the United Kingdom. Read more: