5 startups rebooting regulation

FinTech has another cousin. The rise of InsurTech is running parallel to the rise of RegTech. Read more: bankinnovation.net

FinTech’s road to regulatory acceptance is just starting

Fintech is not a shiny new object attracting attention in 2016. Its fight for market and regulatory acceptance has played out over two decades. Digital technology seemingly became the acknowledged platform for the future of financial commerce almost overnight. Read more: www.fintechranking.com

Can FinTech fix mortgage servicing?

While origination is finally getting a break from costly, wide-ranging operational changes, more lie ahead for servicing. Read more: www.crowdfundinsider.com

How FinTech could revolutionise Compliance

Compliance in financial services could be revolutionised by financial technology and make the processes more efficient for firms and regulators. Read more: blogs.wsj.com

Fintech spawns RegTech to automate compliance with regulations

Entrepreneurs and innovators are invading the complex and often arcane world of regulatory compliance. Read more: www.bloomberg.com

MOTION CODE considered to fight rising online fraud

MOTION CODE is a pioneering technology which embeds an e-paper screen on the reverse of your payment card, replacing the static printed security code. Read more: www.businesswire.com

RegTech will help move from big data to smart data

Mathieu Maurier, Societe Generale Securities Services, explains regtech and where it fits into the industry in relation to fintech. www.finextra.com

UK & US FinTech Working Group to explore RegTech

Innovate Finance and Hogan Lovells are looking at the potentially transformative role that regulatory technology (RegTech) will have on US financial environment. Read more: www.fintechranking.com

Brazilian RegTech solution IDwall secures $600,000

Brazilian RegTech startup IDwall has secured $600,000 in funding for its document validation, background checking and identity verification solutions. Read more: www.fintechroundup.com

Will IBM Watson endanger RegTech startups in 2017?

The history of RegTech may take a hit and course correction as IBM has silently made its way into RegTech this fall. Read more: www.letstalkpayments.com