Regulatory technology is a new remedy for emerging regulations

Financial regulations may not be the most exciting business area, but there are some exciting technological developments that could open up new opportunities. Read more:

What is the cost of compliance in 2016?

Thomson Reuters releases survey assessing the concerns of compliance staff at 300 financial institutions worldwide and finds that regulatory burdens are not easing, while resources are increasingly squeezed, leading firms to technological solutions. Read more:

Financial services firms expect regulatory burden to increase

The actual number of significant pieces of financial regulation governments have issued has slowed, but the existing regulation is becoming more complicated. Read more:

RegTech: Not Cool, Who Cares?

As the excitement around fintech fades, regtech is getting enough buzz to attract investment. Read more

Is Blockchain a dilemma for regulators?

Gabrielle Patrick is a UK and US lawyer specializing in cryptofinance and distributed ledger technology. Read more:

Regulatory technology is a new remedy for emerging regulations

2016 has been a year of turbulence in the financial sector, with costly regulations impacting financial institutions (FIs) across the world. Read more:

China’s P2P lending sector faces risk control challenges

Information technologies and innovation are not only reshaping the landscape ofmanufacturing but changing the roadmap of the virtual financial sector. Read more:

Strong interest in P2P platforms in Malaysia

A significant number of parties are scurrying to submit their applications to run peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms in Malaysia. Read more:

Regulatory focus is critical for P2P lending’s success in India

Reduced regulatory and legal uncertainty in the nascent stage of an industry’s development allows firms to fine-tune their business models. Read more:

P2P lending: towards easy funding in India

The consultation paper on peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, released by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in late April, proposes a balanced approach. Read more: