Saturday, July 27, 2024
Tags Wealthfront

Tag: Wealthfront

Robo advisor Wealthfront launches line of credit

Robo-advisor pioneer Wealthfront must know that opposites attract: in this case, it’s saving and investing. Read more:

Rise of the robots; rise of RegTech

Robo advisers are democratizing access to financial services, and with it RegTech is growing. Read more:

FinTech investor Ribbit Capital looks for $300m for new fund

The Wealthfront, Avant, and Funding Circle backer is looking for $300m, according to an SEC filing. Read more:

Wealthfront adds new stock selling service

Wealthfront,the millenial-market robo advisor, is hoping Selling Plan will help it take advantage of public offerings in the tech space. Read more:

Robo-adviser Wealthfront’s founder to return as CEO

Wealthfront, announced on Monday that founder Andy Rachleff would return to the top job of chief executive officer. Read more: