Tags Artificial Intelligence

Tag: Artificial Intelligence

Four FinTech trends to look out for in 2017

The technology world continues unabated, with the FinTech sector holding some exciting new developments for the year ahead. Read more: betanews.com

Lloyds partners startups peddling bill payments tech and AI

Lloyds bank says it will begin testing MoBILLity's chat-based service for saving money on recurring bill payments through customer trials. Read more: www.finextra.com

AI in banking – robo advisors and beyond

The market is ripe for disruption and FinTech firms are set to take the lead in this change to cater to the changing customer preferences. Read more: www.finextra.com

Does the FinTech sector want a central robo advisor?

If the top fintech companies were to collaborate in the creation of a fintech robo advisor the result would be an ‘intelligence infrastructure’. Read more: www.thefintechtimes.com

IBM bridges blockchain, AI with new business unit

IBM is reorganizing its internal blockchain team into a business unit that encompasses its artificial intelligence and cloud computing efforts. Read more: www.coindesk.com

AI will drive FinTech revenues up 960% by 2021

Increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) will lead to a surge in FinTech revenues over the next five years, according to a new report from Junipur.