Regulatory and business challenges to FinTech M&A

FinTech's wealth of opportunities is attracting interest, yet the uncertainty of its direction means the financial services industry needs to tread carefully. Read more:

FintTech gains a national platform

The primary regulator of the nation's largest banks, the OCC, is considering issuing special purpose national bank charters to certain fintech firms. Read more:

Percentile ships FRTB calculator

Percentile announced the launch of RiskMine FRTB calculator, which allows banks to meet the key requirements of BCBS’s new market risk capital standards. Read more:

BOE asks FinTech firms to help warn banks about cyberattacks

The Bank of England is recruiting FinTech companies to help prevent cyberattacks targeting financial institutions. Read more:

Adapting regulation for the FinTech world

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau quietly modernized regulations associated with a 38-year-old law to bring safeguards to today’s mobile world. Read more:

Blockchain and the growing RegTech ecosystem

As the prevalence of RegTech increases, so too does the importance of entrepreneurs and developers taking advantage of the technology. Read more:

RegTech could keep firms from being overprotective

One solution to protecting financial data is simply to treat all data as sensitive. However, this all-or-nothing approach would lead to unnecessarily large data storage requirement. Read more:

ECommPay becomes first to implement MasterCard dashboard

The MasterCard Dashboard is engineered to aggregate insights from across the MasterCard global network to provide a detailed overview of transactions. Read more:

KYC may be the next big thing for blockchain

The KYC process is costly, inefficient, and mandatory but the use of blockchain has the potential to reduce much of the headache. Read more:

MOTION CODE considered to fight rising online fraud

MOTION CODE is a pioneering technology which embeds an e-paper screen on the reverse of your payment card, replacing the static printed security code. Read more: