Tags Spain

Tag: Spain

BBVA completes cross-border instant payments

BBVA completes its first cross-border real-time payments using Ripple's blockchain technology with eyes on B2B payments. Read more: www.pymnts.com

Spanish bank BBVA joins Hyperledger blockchain project

Spanish banking conglomerate BBVA has become the latest member of the Hyperledger blockchain project. Read more: www.coindesk.com

Spanish Bitcoin giant Bitnovo offers virtual debit cards

Spain’s largest Bitcoin platform, Bitnovo has announced the expansion of its services on a global scale. Read more: www.bitcoinist.com

BBVA enlists Oracle for mobile account opening

BBVA is using Oracle Communications technology to enable customers to open new accounts via their mobile devices in minutes. Read more: www.finextra.com

ID Finance pockets $50m to expand into Latin America

Emerging markets-focused credit scoring and lending startup ID Finance is has raised $50m in debt funding to expand across Latin America. Read more: www.fintechroundup.com

ImaginBank launches chatbot for millennials

CaixaBank mobile-only bank, imaginBank, has unveiled a chatbot to help millennials find offers and promotions. Read more: www.bankingtech.com

Crowdlender Zank overfunding on Crowdcube Spain

With one day remaining on its Crowdcube Spain crowdfunding campaign, Spanish crowdlender Zank has surpassed its €300,000 goal. Read more: www.crowdfundinsider.com

Banco Popular to automate commissioning with Dion Global

Dion Global Solutions announced that Banco Popular has signed another deal with Dion for their FinCASE Bank to Bank Commissions module. Read more: www.finextra.com

BBVA Compass renews Tsys payments deal

TSYS (TSS) has signed a long-term renewal of its payments services agreement with BBVA Compass to continue processing the bank’s credit card portfolios. Read more: www.finextra.com

BBVA: Blockchain regulation needs to move beyond bitcoin

Spanish banking group BBVA has released a new research note on the subject of bitcoin and blockchain regulation. Read more: www.coindesk.com