Saturday, July 27, 2024
Tags Robo

Tag: Robo

Artificial intelligence takes on risk of non-payments

Fear is holding back small businesses from trading internationally. Read more:

Robo advisors push wealth management into 21st century

Algorithm-based advice appeals to mature users as well as younger customers Wealth management, the hot ticket in recent years for banks. Read more:

What’s the right amount of Robo for Investment Management?

The robots are here! But before you run for the hills, we're talking R2D2, rather than Daleks. Benevolent machines, doing our heavy lifting, but better, faster and more reliably. Read more:

InsurTech futures: brokers could be replaced by robots

Brokers could potentially see themselves replaced by AI as technology improves, but disruptive technology can also be an opportunity for the market. Read more:

Robo-Advisers financially unviable and flouting FCA rules

UK robo-advisers have come under attack in a scathing new report, which alleged their current business models were unsound and they could be breaking regulatory rules.

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