Saturday, July 27, 2024
Tags Payments

Tag: payments

Confessions of a FinTech VC: No one is using FinTech

Why one VC is more and more bullish on the FinTech industry despite the fact that consumers don't actually use any of its products. Read more:

Amazon Cash: Just like a gift card, but mobile

Amazon announced its new Amazon Cash offering this morning, alongside a list of participating retailers which thus far include CVS pharmacy and Speedway. Read more:

Blockchain: going Dutch

The first collaborative blockchain application's deployment is in trade finance. The Dutch are working with banks to bring secure technology to this area. Read more:

Omise to raise funding using digital coins

Thai payments startup Omise plans to raise up to $16m by allowing investors to use cryptocurrencies. Read more:

HSBC and First Direct to get VocaLink Pay by bank app

VocaLink’s Pay by Bank mobile payment app will soon be available to customers of HSBC and its subsidiary. Read more:

iWoca looks to grow SME alt lending access

Alternative lending was supposed to be the way SMEs broke through banking barriers to gain access to capital. Read more:

Tradeshift debuts Ada, its B2B virtual assistant

B2B eCommerce platform Tradeshift has debuted Ada, an artificial intelligence solution to help businesses collaborate with each other. Read more:

Money is going digital

The future of money is programmable, and when we combine software and currency, money will become more than just a static unit of value. Read more:

The bumpy road to payments innovation

AEVI discusses how to make payments innovation worthwhile.Read more:

Why the new £1 coin could be the last one ever

With the rise of alternative payment methods, it is nearly impossible to imagine that we will still be handing over bits of metal. Read more: www.cityam