Thursday, September 19, 2024
Tags Bitcoin

Tag: Bitcoin

Bitcoin’s transaction backlog hits all-time high

Almost 100,000 bitcoin transactions are currently stuck, waiting to move, with around $30,000 in fees queued for miners to pick up. Read more:

Bitcoin price tops $1,000 for longest stretch in history

Bitcoin has now been trading above $1,000 for more than seven days, enjoying its longest-ever stretch above this key psychological level. Read more:

China’s bitcoin traders find new ways to trade after clampdown

China’s central bank has stepped up oversight of bitcoin exchanges this year, leading major trading platforms to impose halts on withdrawals. Read more:

Hong Kong FinTech market lagging due to unclear policies

Hong Kong, which many consider as the Asian centre of FinTech is struggling to see consistent growth in its FinTech and Bitcoin markets. Read more:

Crypto traders flock to Altcoins amid Bitcoin price malaise

With many crypto traders sitting on the sidelines and awaiting news from China, volumes for bitcoin, the market's most highly traded asset, have seen a decline. Read more:

We shouldn’t “kill” bitcoin but regulate: Bank of China governor

L H Li, the former governor of Bank of China, stated that the Chinese central bank should try to regulate Bitcoin rather than attempting to stop adoption. Read more:

First dedicated ‘bitcoin bank’ opens in Vienna, Austria

What is likely the world’s first dedicated Bitcoin bank has opened in the heart of the Austrian capital Vienna. Read more:

Why bitcoin and blockchain are ‘relatively safe’

In a report by Swiss multinational financial institution Credit Suisse, bitcoin and blockchain are deemed to be ‘relatively safe’. Read more:

Almost $1bn worth of bitcoins stuck in transaction backlog

An incredible sum of more than 900,000 bitcoins, worth almost a $1bn, was stuck at one point, waiting to move, due to limited transaction capacity. Read more:

Long-term indicators of bitcoin: Transactions, hashrate & More

Most investors and users of bitcoin are looking at the long-term growth of bitcoin as a technology, protocol, network, and a store of value. Read more: