Tags Bank

Tag: Bank

Partnership enables Dash users to buy and sell cryptocurrency

Dash has partnered with Wall of Coins, a P2P bitcoin exchange, to allow users to exchange the cryptocurrency for cash at banks. Read more: www.cryptocoinsnews.com

Can Zelle replace Venmo? Banking giants fight back

Does “Can you Zelle me the payment?” have the same ring to “You can just Venmo me?” Read more: www.crowdfundinsider.com

Why FinTechs like TransferWise are partnering with banks

Dan Cobley, head of fintech at London venture builder company Blenheim Chalcot, talks partnerships, funding, and valuations post-Brexit. Read more: uk.businessinsider.com

Brazilian bank Bradesco harnesses blockchain

The institution is supporting startups focusing on the technology and planning trials to develop new services. Read more: www.zdnet.com

How big banks can stop FinTech upstarts from getting your money

Traditional banking companies are under attack from well-funded upstarts. Here’s how banks can win the battle. Read more: www.marketwatch.com

Finding compatibility in bank-FinTech partnerships

As the financial services sector continues to undergo digital transformation business models and approaches to industry disruptors and potential competitors are being radically reframed. Read more: www.finextra.com

Why banks shouldn’t fear blockchain

The blockchain will transform banking, and banks need to be leading that change. Read more: www.weforum.org

DBS Bank to start innovation lab

DBS Bank to start innovation lab and hire over 2,000 engineers in India over next 28 months. Read more: www.business-standard.com

Standard Chartered explores blockchain viability

Standard Chartered has compiled a report questioning whether blockchain could disrupt the European Central Bank’s (ECB) Target2Securities (T2S) project. Read more:: www.bankingtech.com