Saturday, July 27, 2024
Tags AI

Tag: AI

Kathryn Petralia: power lending, predictions & progress

Co-Founder and Head of Operations Kathryn Petralia has worked for over twenty years with large and small companies focused on credit, payments, and commerce. Read more:

Tradeshift debuts Ada, its B2B virtual assistant

B2B eCommerce platform Tradeshift has debuted Ada, an artificial intelligence solution to help businesses collaborate with each other. Read more:

Nordea prepares for robot future with virtual employees

The robots are coming, so says Nordea, which has already 'hired' a host of 'virtual employees' to take on repetitive tasks. Read more:

Synechron launches “Neo” – AI for the financial services

Synechron Inc. announced the launch of Neo, a set of AI-based solutions for the financial services industry. Read more:

How FinTechs are using AI to transform payday lending

Fintech startups are using artificial intelligence to make loans with rates as low as 6% and with default rates of 7% or less. Read more:

Banking in the age of AI

Artificial intelligence expert discusses how advances in machine learning are increasingly being applied to an array of business-to-consumer interactions. Read more:

OCBC Bank to pilot wealth management and AI solutions

MIS Asia offers Information Technology strategy insight for senior IT management - resources to understand and leverage information technology from a business leadership perspective. Read more:

FinTech Startups Focused on Bringing A.I. to Finance

15 companies using A.I in fintech have secured equity funding rounds in 2016. Read more:

Responsive aims to beat the Robo-Advisors with AI investing

Vancouver-based startup Responsive is launching an AI-driven, active management investment service this August. Read more:

Resolute Ventures backs AI expense auditing, compliance startup AppZen

Resolute Ventures has helped AI-centric automated expense report auditing and compliance startup AppZen to a $2.9m funding round.